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Imaging APFS Volumes

Images from Apple products can be made from recovery mode without the need of external boot devices (Sumuri’s Recon, Blackbag’s MacQuisition, Linux boot disks). A users password is required for filevault decryption, if in use, an on newer devices it usually is.

T2 Macs

Macs with T2 chips (iMacs 2017+, MacBooks 2018+) must be extracted logically. The T2 chip is part of the device encryption schema and physical partition images cannot be read apart from the specific chip in the device being extracted.

Prepare the Evidence Computer

Prepare the Target Device

NOTE: It is possible to take two different tracks at this point. One can create an archive of the logical content or a disk image. The rest of this section will focus on the disk image variant because many analysis tools are capable of reading file system metadata but few, in my experience, do a good job with reading that metadata from archives.

Copy the logical data

Shutdown the system